To all my fellow bloggers: I do not intend to offend anyone by writing this blog. The only thing I intend to do is express my own opinions and beliefs.
Religion is topic that always boggles my mind and yes I would consider myself compassionate about it.
Religion is suppose to help people get through their toughest times. Believing something beyond ourselves is in control of our universe, makes us somehow seem more secure. It makes us feel as though, our mistakes will somehow be erased. Have you ever looked at the earth? Have you ever compared it to the other planets? Have you ever looked at how small, our earth is compared to the whole universe? Considering that, there are 6.5 billion people on the earth and over 100 religions. What makes Christianity any different than than Islam or Buddhism? They all believe in their own God. Some of them believe in the same God. But, they still argue and fight over whose religion is better. Whose religion is right? Take Christianity, for example, although I believe that several people of several different religions will read this, Christianity, according to:
is the religion of choice by 33% of the earth's population, which is more than any other religion. The next being Islam, which is observed by 21%.

So, let's take Christianity. There are at least 5 different branches of Christianity. Each one believes that their form of Christianity is the “right” form. And then you break down each form, let's use Baptist, for example. You have the northern Baptist and the southern Baptist, disagreeing with each other over who is right. I choose to believe that religion is a figment of everyone's imagination. I do believe that there is some sort of supernatural being in control of everything, or there are a lot of coincidences that make our existence possible. But, I do not believe that a person who believes in Buddha or Allah are going to hell, either. Most people believe what they are “brain washed” to believe, from birth. Very few people are independent thinkers. I am one of those few. I am the type of person who says “Prove it to me!” and even though I am only 37 years old, I have not had one person, “Prove it to me!” When they say they have proof, I keep asking why, until eventually they get to the standard answer which is “Faith”. “Faith” is something that we believe even though we can't see it, feel it or touch it, we just believe.
I will use my son for example, who I am proud to say, I have raised to be an individual. He is 16 years old. And the best teenager, ever. He gets very frustrated with religion. We live in the South, which makes it worse for him. He was engaged in conversation with a boy on the bus who claims to be religious. This boy smokes, does drugs, has sex and drinks alcohol. My son ask the boy, “ How can you say that you are religious and do all of those things?”
The boys reply to my son was, “Well, I go to church, every Sunday and repent.”
What??? And unfortunately, this is the way that a lot of people who call themselves religious believe. I can get drunk, beat my wife, belittle others, curse, and fight, but as long as I go to church on Sunday and say that I am sorry to “God”, I will still go to “Heaven”.
I apologize to anyone who is offended by my beliefs, but I am willing to listen to anyone's argument. If people believe that their God is a loving, forgiving God, then everyone will go to “Heaven”. If they believe that their God is an angry God and that those who don't follow their religion to exactly, will go to hell, then everyone is going to hell, because, I don't care WHO you are no one follows their religion to the exact word and who could.

The bible, which was written over 2000 years ago, was written in Hebrew. It has been rewritten hundreds of times, with each author's interpretations of what it is suppose to say. Take the game, “Telephone” played by children. The children sit in a line, and one starts the sentence and each child whispers the sentence in the next child's ear. By the time the last child repeats the sentence out loud, it is a totally different sentence. So, whose interpretation of the bible is correct? And then every Sunday, the preacher at the various churches throughout the world, interprets, his religious book, as he sees it.
I am just about done with my blog on passion. Even though I know that I have made some very good points here, people will argue with me, people will say that I am going to hell and some will pray for me tonight. But, I do believe that whatever happens to me when I die, is the same thing that happens to everyone else, when they die. Hopefully we will all be with our loved ones again, and we will still be able to remember our lives on earth. But, I do not believe that anyone will burn forever.